Terms of Payment



  1. All rates published on this site are in Euro per diver and include VAT.
  2. Rates are subject to change without prior notice. The valid rate is always the on-line one on our web site.
  3. Rates are valid for individuals. Rates for groups (more than four divers) are always provided upon request, please email us.



  1. Reservations for all DIVING activities (guided dives and courses) can be made through our web-site. You are invited to fill in the corresponding form. Alternatively, you can reserve by email. All bookings are subject to availability. Should your first choice of date be unavailable, we will offer you alternative dates. We recommend that bookings are made at least seven days ahead of your chosen date. Once your reservation has been validated by us within the next 48 hours, you are going to receive a discount coupon to use for your hotel accommodation.

Reservations for the HOTEL ACCOMMODATION can be made by contacting directly the hotel of your choice. You are invited to send an email or fax mentioning your discount coupon. As soon as possible, you are going to receive all the information you need for your stay (promotional prices, availability etc), from the Hotel’s reservation team.

If there is no room available in the hotel of your choice, we can also organize accommodation in other hotels. Please contact us.

Group’s reservations (more than four divers) are always made upon request. Please email us.



Payments for the hotel accommodation should be made directly at the hotel according to its reservation, cancellation and payment policy. The hotel’s reservation team will inform you about that.

Therefore, the payments mentioned here concern only your dives (and/or your dive course). Online payments for all diving activities provided by Dive Greece should be made via PAY PAL.


A deposit of 20% of the value of the diving package is required upon reservation. The amount due should be paid to Dive Greece on-site after the completion of your dive packages, diving courses and programs. This amount will be indicated on your partial invoice. If a diving package is cancelled up to 14 days before your arrival, a total refund of the deposit (less the bank fees) will be arranged. If the cancellation occurs within 13 days before your arrival, we will keep your deposit in credit for one year to your account for your next reservation.


For group’s bookings (more than 4 divers), a deposit of 20% of the total value of the diving packages is required upon reservation. This percentage is calculated on the basis of the price payable by each member of the group. Τhe amount due should be paid to Dive Greece on-site after the completion of the dive packages, diving courses and programs. This amount will be indicated on the group’s partial invoice.

In case of a cancellation by one or more members of the group, up to 14 days before the arrival date, a total refund of the deposit (less the bank fees) will be arranged. The refund is calculated on the basis of the diving activities’ rate reserved by the person(s) cancelling. If the cancellation occurs within 13 days before the group’s arrival, we will keep the deposit in credit for one year to the account of the person(s) cancelling, for their next reservation.

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